St Paul's Church, Withington

Tel: 07498495344

Children and Young People



to our Church!



We welcome children and young people and the contribution they make to our church and our worship not just for their sake, but also for our own. Children and young people teach us: we benefit from their presence, their directness, from the way in which they see and experience the world.

We hope that in being made welcome, children and young people will grow up with a sense of belonging and of faith, which, even though it will change, will grow with them into adulthood.   


During Church Services

Babes in arms and infants

Many children start their church membership as babies and St Paul’s has welcomed countless numbers over the years.  Babies can be entranced by the music and some like to join in or explore the church’s acoustic. But if you feel that your child’s noise or crying is becoming a distraction, you can slip through the doors at the back of church into the large lobby area, called the Narthex. This area is reasonably soundproof.  A speaker system has been installed here so you can, usually, still follow the service. Some church members are always on hand to help.  There is a kitchen area and a toilet which also has baby-changing facilities. Just come back to the main body of the church when you wish or, alternatively, join the children’s activity which takes place here.


Toddlers and pre-school children

In the Narthex, near the old font, is an area with a low table, chairs, books and toys.  During the first hymn, small children are welcomed here for their own church-time together. There are opportunities for them to play and interact with each other. Usually there is also a short story and a colouring sheet on the theme of the Bible readings for that Sunday. They rejoin their parents for the second part of the service, coming back into church at the Peace.


Makers and Shakers (4 to 11yrs)

During school terms we organise separate children’s activities in the church hall (alongside the car park), for children of primary school age, with opportunities to explore worship through drama, music and crafts. They also leave the service during the first hymn and come back for the second part of the service for the Peace. 


West Gallery Group (7 to 12 yrs)

Roughly once a month, junior members of the choir meet together during the service with other young people of this age in the old West Gallery upstairs in the church. Together they explore their faith story and what it means to believe in God. It is also an opportunity for sessions in preparation for admission to receive Holy Communion.  At St Paul’s, following the guidelines of the Manchester Diocese, we admit baptised children and young people  – roughly 7yrs and over – , to Holy Communion, allowing them to receive the Communion bread and wine. That is, of course, if they wish and if their parents approve.

All Age worship

There are regular Sundays during the year when children and young people stay in church for the main service throughout. These include Mothering Sunday, and Harvest Sunday. Often on such Sundays the children and young people will actively participate by reading one of the lessons, by leading the prayers or performing a song.  Instead of a sermon there is a more inter-active talk focused on them.

For information about Baptism (Christening) please contact us.


Sam as the Archbishop of Canterbury  about to preside over the marriage of Prince Mason and Miss Amelia at his nursery on 28th April 2011. 


Outside of Sunday Services














A New Year trip to the football for some of the young members of our congregation – January 2018

St Paul’s Choir

People of all ages sing in our choir and that of course includes children and young people. It is a wonderful way of participating in worship while learning to sing and read music as well. Choir rehearsals take place on Thursday evenings.  Please talk to our Music director David Cane if you would like to know more.

Messy Church

We also run regular Messy Church sessions jointly with Christ Church & St Christopher's, and Withington Methodist Church. Messy Church is a creative form of church, through which we explore God's love through crafts and simple games. It is a relaxed way to experience church. Find out when the next Messy Church is here



All actvities for children and young people are led by responsible adults in accordance with Child Protection Procedures.


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